Workshop (31.5.2022)

  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • (prefer accuracy to be within 15 minutes) but will accept up to an hour.
  • If you do not know the time you were born, you can check with your hospital if they still have the records of your birth.
    Or, you can consult a kinesiology and ask them if they can find your time by muscle testing; that is: breaking the day into parts and narrowing it down.
    eg: 12am – 12pm. or 12pm – 12am if for example you tested positive for 12pm – 12am you would then break that into 2 halves:
    12pm – 6pm, 6pm – 12am. if you tested positive for 12pm – 6pm you would then break that into 2 halves.
    12pm- 3pm, 3pm – 6pm. if you tested positive for 12pm – 3pm you would then break that into two halves, always narrowing the window of possibility.
    12pm-1.30pm or 1.30pm – 3pm.